“If we don’t first correct our misaligned posture, neck pain will always come back if relief is achieved. Pain is the body’s way of telling us we need to change something.”
It is incredible to believe most people spend between 3-4 hours per day looking down at their phones. A computer can tack on an additional 6 hours daily with our head in a forward position. Subway waiting areas, what do you see? A majority of people staring down at their phones unaware of the damage they are doing to their necks at that very moment.
This can constitute an ungodly 75% of our waking hours, Good Grief!
Why does neck pain persist? We need to understand our postures and how they lay a significant role in the stress placed on our spine.
How we position our head has more importance than we realize. Incredibly, every inch that the head translates forward over the shoulders becomes 10 pounds of additional stress on the neck. With the average person’s head weighing the same as a 12-pound bowling ball combined with an average forward head position of 2 inches forward, this posture can easily place over 30 pounds of stress on the 7 small bones in the neck. Extend this position over the course of several hours each day, no wonder why neck pain persists, and destructive conditions begin to take effect such as subluxations which lead to arthritis, stenosis, disc herniations, and radicular pain, numbness and tingling sensations, dizziness and headaches.
The good news, there are solutions that can help to naturally provide relief, especially if discovered in time.
So how do we fix it?
Pain is the body’s last way of telling us we need to change something. Therefore, minimizing stress to these structures is of the utmost importance if we are going to look for long-term natural relief without relying on medical care to keep our quality of life.
Chiropractors are highly trained in their understanding of postural awareness. We possess a diverse skill set that allows in most cases the ability to care for many different types of neck conditions as well as providing a multitude of solutions to postural correction. Supplementing this approach with corrective stretches and exercises will provide further long term resilience as well.
It takes time and consistency to heal the body and thankfully for many, nowhere near as long as the time it took to develop. Every individual is different!
It is incredible to believe most people spend between 3-4 hours per day looking down at their phones. A computer can tack on an additional 6 hours daily with our head in a forward position. Subway waiting areas, what do you see? A majority of people staring down at their phones unaware of the damage they are doing to their necks at that very moment.
This can constitute an ungodly 75% of our waking hours, Good Grief!
Why does neck pain persist? We need to understand our postures and how they lay a significant role in the stress placed on our spine.
How we position our head has more importance than we realize. Incredibly, every inch that the head translates forward over the shoulders becomes 10 pounds of additional stress on the neck. With the average person’s head weighing the same as a 12-pound bowling ball combined with an average forward head position of 2 inches forward, this posture can easily place over 30 pounds of stress on the 7 small bones in the neck. Extend this position over the course of several hours each day, no wonder why neck pain persists, and destructive conditions begin to take effect such as subluxations which lead to arthritis, stenosis, disc herniations, and radicular pain, numbness and tingling sensations, dizziness and headaches.
The good news, there are solutions that can help to naturally provide relief, especially if discovered in time.
So how do we fix it?
Pain is the body’s last way of telling us we need to change something. Therefore, minimizing stress to these structures is of the utmost importance if we are going to look for long-term natural relief without relying on medical care to keep our quality of life.
Chiropractors are highly trained in their understanding of postural awareness. We possess a diverse skill set that allows in most cases the ability to care for many different types of neck conditions as well as providing a multitude of solutions to postural correction. Supplementing this approach with corrective stretches and exercises will provide further long term resilience as well.
It takes time and consistency to heal the body and thankfully for many, nowhere near as long as the time it took to develop. Every individual is different!